CBD products to change the healing game
By Katerina Cotroneo– June 6, 2023
The #1 concern for most people when getting surgery, botox, or work done is the healing process. “How long will I be out?”, they ask their practitioner. A common response is, “It varies from person to person.” Well, not anymore.
FADED, by Post Love, is a transdermal anti-inflammatory bruise cream that works magic for post-procedure injections and post-surgery patients. It is formulated with Organic CBD and 30% Arnica Forte, giving patients immediate help with swelling and inflammation while decreasing bruise time. No longer should one be nervous about showing their face or swollen knee in public with this INCREDIBLE product.
Founder Details
Developed in Austin by founders Brooke and Jason Nichol,Post Love was started to help people who are suffering from pain, inflammation, and bruising to empower them to recover quickly and resume their normal lives.
“Our first-of-a-kind products help empower you to recover from your procedure in half the time,” says Brooke Nichol. “Heal, Empower, Love” – that is Nichol’s motto and the mission of Post Love.
The local company has an array of products in addition to the FADED cream. FIXED is a powerful CBD oil and FILTERED is a concealer featured in different shades. They even have a CBD-infused lip balm! Their products are all specialized for different people, preferences and different parts of the body.

Post Love’s hemp is grown in Colorado on a USDA Organic farm that is free of pesticides in soil free of toxins. Post Love does not spray any pesticides on their plants and have complete oversight as to what they feed and how they cultivate their high-level CBD Plants. Both Jason and Brooke are very involved in Post Love. With frequent visits to the Plants to ensure quality control, you can be sure their products are top-notch.
Over 7.4 million people in the US are receiving Botox treatments – some for medical reasons, some for cosmetic. Zero of those 7.4 million want the bruising that comes alongside the noninvasive procedure. FADED or FIXED is here to save the day! Botox is used in the medical field for chronic migraines, neck spasms, cervical dystonia, excessive sweating, an overactive bladder, eyelid spasms, strabismus, and even foot pain. Though it is commonly used for wrinkles and in the cosmetic field, there are many more applications that can change lives. Used alongside Post Love’s care, it Botox can make a patient’s recovery much simpler and less painful. Post Love can be used for injuries where bruising is present and you wish it to go away quicker. Founded right here in Austin, Post Love is a natural healer in a world full of pills and prescriptions – and one that works miracles.